* @file* @author def< qq group: 324164944 >* @blog http://www.cnblogs.com/itdef/ * @brief/********************************************************************//******************************************************************************** @file* @author def< qq group: 324164944 >* @blog http://www.cnblogs.com/itdef/ * @brief/*******************************************************************************/#include "stdafx.h"#include#include using namespace std;class CThread{public: CThread(); virtual ~CThread(); bool Start(); void Join(); static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter); virtual void Run() = 0;private: HANDLE hThread_; DWORD dwThreadId_;};CThread::CThread():hThread_(NULL),dwThreadId_(0){ cout << "Thread ..." << endl;}CThread::~CThread(){ if(hThread_ != NULL) CloseHandle(hThread_); cout << "~Thread ..." << endl;}bool CThread::Start(){ bool bRet = false; hThread_ = CreateThread( NULL, // default security attributes 0, // use default stack size ThreadProc, // thread function this, // argument to thread function 0, // use default creation flags &dwThreadId_); // returns the thread identifier if(hThread_) { bRet = true; } return bRet;}void CThread::Join(){ WaitForSingleObject(hThread_,3000);}DWORD CThread::ThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter){ CThread* thread = static_cast (lpParameter); thread->Run(); return NULL;}class CMyThread:public CThread{public: void Run(){ cout << "my thread..." << endl;}};int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ CMyThread thread; thread.Start(); thread.Join(); return 0; }
基类是最基本的几个元素 线程ID 创建进程的函数start 运行指定的线程函数run 以及等待函数join()
使用的时候直接继承 在run函数中执行自己想执行的线程处理即可。
基于对象则未使用继承等特性,使用bind function这对利器 来实现回调
#include#include #include class CThread{public: typedef boost::function ThreadFunc; explicit CThread(const ThreadFunc& func); ~CThread(); void Start(); void Join();private: static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID arg); void Run(); ThreadFunc func_; HANDLE hThread_;};void CThread::Start(){ hThread_ = CreateThread( NULL, // default security attributes 0, // use default stack size ThreadProc, // thread function this, // argument to thread function 0, // use default creation flags NULL); // returns the thread identifier}CThread::CThread(const ThreadFunc& func):hThread_(NULL),func_(func){ std::cout << "CThread()..." << std::endl;}void CThread::Join(){ WaitForSingleObject(hThread_,3000);}CThread::~CThread(){ if(hThread_) CloseHandle(hThread_); std::cout << "~CThread()..." << std::endl;}void CThread::Run(){ func_();}DWORD CThread::ThreadProc(LPVOID arg){ CThread* thread = static_cast (arg); thread->Run(); return NULL;}//======================================void ThreadFunc(){ std::cout << "Enter thread function ...." << std::endl;}int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ CThread thread(ThreadFunc); thread.Start(); thread.Join(); return 0;}